Win a Gnu Danny Kass Snowboard With Power Banana Technology [Contests]

After testing a banana tech snowboard last year, Lib/Gnu sent me this Danny Kass banana board. With C2BTX technology, the tips are turned down a bit to help with pop. I love it. You should take it off my hands.

We can't keep gear we test and they don't want it back. But also, I look a little bit too much like the guy on the board to keep riding it. It's the mustache and round head. The board is a 155, I think, has magnetraction (the edges are serrated for better grip on hard or icy surfaces) and its not too stiff, not too soft. The NYTimes(?) and some snowboarding magazines gave it some awards.

The prize is pretty easy to claim. All you have to do is find me riding in Tahoe sometime over the next few weeks, and yell "Banana!Banana!Banana!Banana!Banana!" (Banana 5 times) at me with your fingers in your ears. Hey, what's a little humiliation in the face of really good free snowboard?

To make it easier to find me, I'll be tweeting when I ride once in awhile at my twitter account. Follow @blam, @Gizmodo, @libtechnologies and @Gnu_Snowboards, and look for updates from me starting this weekend.

Oh and I look like this.

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