Ten Biotechnology Breakthroughs Soon to be Available

Popular Mechanics has assembled one of those captivating lists of new technologies that will improve our lives, this time on healthcare technologies (via Instapundit).? Just a few years ago, these would have appeared to be works of science fiction.? Go to the article to read about the ten technologies shown below.?


Most of these will be available to average consumers within the next 7-10 years, and will extend lifespans while dramatically lowering healthcare costs (mostly through enhanced capabilities of early detection and prevention, as well as shorter recovery times for patients).? This is consistent with my expectation that bionanotechnology is quietly moving along established trendlines despite escaping the notice of most people.? These technologies will also move us closer to Actuarial Escape Velocity, where the rate of lifespan increases exceed that of real time.?

Another angle that these technologies effect is the globalization of healthcare.? We have previously noted the success of 'medical tourism' in US and European patients seeking massive discounts on expensive procedures.? These technologies, given their potential to lower costs and recovery times, are even more suitable for medical offshoring than their predecessors, and thus could further enhance the competitive position of the countries that are quicker to adopt them.? If the US is at the forefront of using the 'bloodstream bot' to unclog arteries, the US thus once again becomes more attractive than getting a traditional procedure done in India or Thailand.? But if the lower cost destinations also adopt these technologies faster than the heavily regulated US, then even more revenue migrates overseas and the US healthcare sector would suffer further deserved blows, and be under even greater pressure to conform to market forces.? As technology once again acts as the great leveler, another spark of hope for reforming the dysfunctional US healthcare sector has emerged.?

These technologies are near enough to availability that you may even consider showing this article to your doctor, or writing a letter to your HMO.? Plant the seed into their minds...

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