Technology, Policymaking, and the Future

Speakers: Joel Garreau, Principal, The Garreau Group; Author, Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies, and What It Means to Be Human, and Michael Rogers, Founder, Practical Futurist; Futurist-in-Residence, New York Times Company Presider: Lee Brenner, Cofounder and Publisher, May 23, 2014 Council on Foreign Relations

BRENNER: OK, welcome to the today's Council on Foreign Relations meeting. My name is Lee Brenner. I am the Co-Founder and Publisher of, which is a next generation news and media company.

I also co-host a Sirius XM show called "Politics Powered by Twitter," looking at how politics and policy have been altered, changed and are affected by social media and what is playing in the prism of social media.

So great to have you all today. We're going to talk about the future, right? So we've got a lot -- lot to cover. But really focused on policy, technology, how those things interact. I've got great -- two great people with us, Joel Garreau, who's a Lincoln Professor of law, culture and values at Arizona State University, the New America Foundation. He spent almost 40 years at "The Washington Post," covering...


BRENNER: Almost 40.

GARREAU: Almost 40, yes, yes.

BRENNER: And covering society and culture and how things were changing in this country. And things are changing. We also have Michael Rogers who's Founder of Practical Futurist, is one of -- former titles, Futurist-in-Residence at "The New York Times," also has a great title.

But I'm going to ask each of them to just give a -- a quick one-minute overview of what they kind of are paying attention to and kind of jump into a conversation for a bit. And we'll open it up to your questions halfway through.

So let's start first with Joel.

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Technology, Policymaking, and the Future

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