Remainders – The Things We Didn’t Post: The Truth Edition [Remainders]

In today's Remainders: the truth. These entries get to the heart of the following matters: free speech on Facebook; what everyone's Buzzing about on Google Buzz; the nature of infographics; and where we stand in Dante's Internet Hell.

Freedom of Facebook
Back in 2007, a high school student in Miami created a Facebook group titled, "Ms. Sarah Phelps is the worst teacher I've ever met." The school did not like this and suspended the student. Since then, they've been fighting back and forth in court, the female student suing the school to expunge the suspension and the school trying to stop her effort to do so. Today, a judge ruled that the student's Facebook posting is protected by the First Amendment, which seems like a no-brainer to me, especially considering the relative tameness of the initial barb (as someone who has written some weird stuff on RateMyProfessor, I've followed this case closely). On a serious note, it's nice to see the law shifting to keep up with the times. Angry Facebookers, post away! [CNN]

The Internet
If the Internet is Hell, you might as well figure out where you stand. Full version here

Buzz Off
The funny dudes at Upright Citizens Brigade put together this funny video on Google Buzz's defining feature: its ability to confuse. If over the past few days you've asked, "Wha...?," "Why...?," or "How...?" in relation to Google's new social media service, then give this a watch. As they say, misery loves company. [UCB Comedy]

Important Infographic
What do we have here? A very important infographic, showing some very important trends. Note the normally undiscussed social and political issues it illuminates. It's amazing to see this data visually, for a change—it really gives you perspective on things. For more insight on this matter, be sure to check out the full size version. [Digg]

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