It is Time to Expose Misandry

This is a different sort of article, unlike any other written on The Futurist.  It is no coincidence that this article is written on 1/1/2011, exactly 365 days after The Misandry Bubble was posted on 1/1/2010.  While this website normally discusses and predicts the future, in this instance, I would like to enlist people to help alter the trajectory of one aspect of the future.  A year ago, I did say that I would not become an activist of any sort, but what I have seen over the last year makes me unable to let such lopsided and egregious injustice go unchallenged. 

We have completed the first year of the decade of The Misandry Bubble, and I remain as convinced as ever that The Misandry Bubble will correct by 2020 no matter what due to the Four Horsemen of Male Emancipation.  However, there is much to lose if the correction is turbulent, rather than orderly.  Millions of innocent men and women can be saved from wrenching misfortune if we act now to fight the culture of misandry that is cancerously pervading the entire Western world. 

So why is so much injustice met with so little opposition?  It is a combination of i) a lack of awareness about the complexity of various laws and the perverse incentives they create, ii) an overwhelming cultural bias to crush any questioning of the increasingly tyrannical bent of 'feminism', iii) insufficient time or resources at the disposal of the very small anti-misandry community, iv) a shortage of any prior experience in political activism, and v) simply a not knowing where or how to begin.  There thus exists a need for a simple, low risk solution that enable this small civilian force to wage asymmetrical warfare against misandry within the above constraints. 

It takes an extreme amount of research to learn that, for example, the Federal Government, under 'feminist' pressure, pays grants to police departments in proportion to the number of men jailed under VAWA legislation, leading to an incentive for police to expand the defintion of 'domestic violence' to absurd extremes.  Or that feminists lobbied to steer money away from disabled veterans towards able-bodied women.  But before one can digest such intracacies, we must take a step back, and contemplate what it might take to get more men reading, discussing, and eventually opposing such convoluted mechanisms for tyranny. 

At the moment, the only notable anti-misandry activity underway is the production of blog articles.  Many great articles have been written, and there are a number of subjects that I myself would not have known about without the Internet authorship of anti-misandrists.  However, this is only a small fraction of the total blogosphere, which is itself frequented by only a small fraction of the adult population.  My five years of running this blog, and commenting on others, leads me to estimate that in the US, the number of people who are active denizens of the blogosphere (as defined by visiting multiple blogs per day, every day) is no greater than 50,000.  Blogs with very high traffic are still sparsely viewed relative to television programs that may receive millions of viewers.  For this reason, while the creation of new anti-misandry web content is essential, the trajectory of that tactic has already reached a saturation point.   

So let us take a top-down approach.  Men over the age of 18 fall in three broad groups in their capacity to grasp the concept of misandry :

C) Drones : Men who just do what they believe everyone else does.  They don't think very far beyond their own social group, and cannot comprehend complex concepts that span a variety of subjects.  They don't go out of their way to live by a code of needy chivalry, either.   

B) White Knights/Pedestalizers/Girlie-Men : These 'men' are a very major force propagating misandry on both sides of the mainstream political spectrum.  As detailed in The Misandry Bubble, they have a misguided belief that appeasing women is the way to succeed with women, despite the overwhelming evidence that contradicts this, and the vast amount of Internet material that describes why the act of appeasing women makes a man repulsive to women.  As more men are awaking to the excesses of 'feminism', these pedestalizers are doubling down in their support of female supremacism and male disenfranchisement. 

A) Men Who Could Grasp the Concepts, if Introduced to Them : Virtually all men who currently have a deep understanding of the various topics discussed in anti-misandry blogs started out by observing anecdotes in real life that seemed askew, did some web searching, and discovered the ocean of content leading to a multi-month digestion process.  After a vast amount of reading, they became aware of all sorts of subjects that took a 16,000-word article just to summarize

Our target audience is Group A.  While we do not know exactly what percentage of men fall into each category, it is safe to assume that Group A amounts to tens of millions of men in the Anglosphere countries.  We only need to get a small fraction of them to become aware of the sinister agenda of VAWA, the Bradley Amendment, the drugging of little boys in schools, etc. to generate real momentum against misandry.  These are also the men who are the most capable of recognizing that beyond men, average women are being greatly damaged by the modern incarnation of 'feminism'. 

Piercing the Matrix

The Location : Male restrooms in public buildings have urinals.  When a man is using a urinal, he has no choice but to see the blank wall that is directly in front of his face above the urinal at eye-level.  Every man taller than 5'2", whether young or old, rich or poor, is a captive audience for that brief passage of time.  A urinal in a crowded location might be used hundreds of times in a single day.  Yet, to this day, I have almost never seen this valuable advertising space used. 

The Seeds of Thought : A lot of men from Group A above have either experienced in their own lives, or observed in the lives of other men, situations that seem inexplicably unfair to good men.  They somehow sense that something is fundamentally wrong, but they never had anyone tie together these separate anecdotes to put the broader picture of societal misandry into focus.  This process can, and often does, happen quickly if such a man is shown the right reading material, and is placed into a setting where he can ask plenty of questions to others who became aware before him. 

If a man sees a flyer that provokes a jolting thought where he leasts expects it, he will remember it for a long time to come.  Those of us who have studied and practiced Neuro-Linguisting Programming (NLP) will recognize this as a very strong anchor, and thus ensure that he will remember the seed planted in his mind in many future instances of standing in front of a urinal.  The periodic recollection will be unshakeable, due to such a strong anchor being planted.  Whenever he hears of yet another such situation again, he will think back to the thought evoked by the flyer he saw on that day. 

Moving on to the optimal content of each flyer, it should ideally ask a question that sounds mainstream and hard to condemn, yet be sufficiently strong as to cause the aforementioned jolt.  It should also have a simple URL directed the reader to further information, or a couple of words that can be Googled.  For example, a flyer could ask "Why do 4 times more commit suicide than women?", followed by "Visit to learn why".  Or maybe "Why are little boys being drugged in schools?  Visit".  Or perhaps something like "Are you tired of being called a 'misogynist' for no reason?  If so, Google "The Misandry Bubble"". 

I recommend websites that have a professional appearance and clean format, and are written in language that can pass the PG-13 test.  The reason for this is that we want to draw in Group A men in gradual increments, without anything that will trigger a revulsion reflex.  For this reason, some of the websites most suitable for this type of flyer are :

  • The Spearhead ( : The Spearhead has new articles daily, written by multiple authors, both male and female.  A vast range of subtopics within the sphere of resisting misandry are covered. 
  • Wedded Abyss ( : This single-page website is simple and lucid, but discusses the horrors of Marriage 2.0 laws in a gender-agnostic way.  If you know any young man considering marriage, you have a moral duty to direct them to this 10-minute read. 
  • Approach Anxiety ( : If you believe, as I do, that ethical practice of seduction arts ('Game') are beneficial to both men and (attractive) women, then this website is a good one to drive visibility towards.  Websites like Citizen Renegade, while invaluable, should not be the very first website a newcomer sees.  That material is best reserved for a bit further in the learning (and un-learning) process, after contextual preparation. 
  • Lastly, if you found The Misandry Bubble to be a useful read, note that I did structure it to act as a gateway to the subject for a reader with no prior exposure.  I would be honored if you felt inclined to select that article for any of your flyers. 

There are many other good websites as well, of course, and you can choose whichever you think has the most useful content.  If you wish to pay homage to any of the long-time authors of Men's Rights, or the luminaries of Game, this is a great channel through which to do so.  Just err on the side of those websites that maintain a professional appearance and PG-13 language, in order to keep the tent big.  If the URL is straightforward, include the URL itself in the flyer.  If the URL is longer, instruct the reader to Google the title (e.g. 'For more, Google "The Misandry Bubble" or "Wedded Abyss").  Here is a powerpoint file with a few examples of simple flyers. You can make your flyers colored and more graphically impressive as well. 

The Viral Campaign : We don't want to post these flyers in low-traffic locations, but rather where the most men will see them, and specifically where the men who stand to lose the most from misandry are likely to be present.  Therefore, the locations of maximum impact are :

i) Convention Centers and Hotels : A major conference might have tens of thousands of attendees, and these are often professional men working extremely hard to support their families, yet who know of men just like them who have been mysteriously driven into poverty, imprisonment, or suicide.  Since the modern state depends heavily on the productivity of these career men, who are a very small percentage of the population, they should have a chance to learn about why so many men just like them, who appeared to do everything right, find themselves ruined and criminalized for seemingly mysterious reasons.  Go to the website of the biggest convention center in your city, and make a note of which dates that center hosts a major conference likely to be full of male attendees. 

ii) Medical, Business, and Graduate Engineering Schools : These locations are filled with men in their mid-late 20s, who are both contemplating marriage and about to embark on lucrative careers.  They have much to gain from learning about the differences between Marriage 1.0 and Marriage 2.0, the importance of pre-nuptial agreements, etc.  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 

iii) Military Locations : Any place full of either current military personnel or older veterans is highly appropriate, as these men are often prime targets of predatory campaigns that legislative misandry enables.  The US Government claims to care about reducing the suicide rate of active duty military personnel, but stops short of taking corrective action when reducing the suicide rate would involve a confrontation with 'feminism'.  ??It is our duty to intervene on behalf of our fine soldiers, and inform them of what sequence of events takes place that enables the foulest of parasites to prey on them. 

iv) Mosques and Islamic Centers : Muslims in the West do have the right to be informed about laws that they might not be aware of, and plan their lives accordingly.  After that, let the chips fall where they may.   

Other locations (like sports stadiums) can also be useful.  The main objective is to get as many men as possible anchored to the thought of societal misandry at future visits to a urinal, and to get them to visit a website and perhaps step through the gateway into the substantial education he may choose to undertake.  Just make sure that you are not violating any laws against flyer-posting in restrooms (as ludicrous as such a law would be). 

Now, this being 2011, not only do we benefit from the existence of the Internet, but from the existence of a mobile Internet.  I have written about the explosion of mobile Internet connectivity since 2006, and we now live in an age where people have Internet access in their pockets.  The advantage here is that he does not have to wait until he goes home to check the URL, but could do so on his iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, etc. right after he leaves the restroom while the thought is fresh.  If a flyer that provokes his thoughts about divorce, drugging of boys, or male suicide is sufficiently relevant to past events he has seen or experienced, he might very well go to the website he saw.  If he likes the content, he might even send the URL to his friends via Twitter or Facebook.  We are thus using elements that are both high-tech and low-tech in nature, to maximum effect. 

Let's give this campaign a name.  I will call it 'URLs @ Urinals', for that is exactly what it is.  That tagline has a symmetric flow, and is easy to remember.  It also sounds a little annoying, and that is exactly what we want.  If you find the slogan 'URLs @ Urinals' to be both accurate and annoying, imagine how irritated the misandrists will become. 

Actually, as of 1/1/2011, we have not even begun to annoy them yet. 

1000 Man-Hours to Restore Civil Rights : In 2010, this website received over 250,000 visits averaging about 3 minutes each, most of which were for The Misandry Bubble.  That is 750,000 minutes, or 12,500 hours, that went into reading just this modest website.  For just a fraction of that time, we can initiate a sequence of events that eventually curbs one of the great evils of this age. 

All I request is for people reading this to each spend a couple of hours preparing and posting the flyers of their choice, at strategically valuable locations such as those described above.  Time spent should include only the preparation of flyers, and actual taping of them over selected urinals, but not the transit time of going to the target location.  This means that an hour of effort would translate into 10 to 60 restrooms being hit.  But again, these must be well-visited restrooms. 

If everyone reading this article can collectively muster up just 1000 hours of volunteer activism, as measured above.....

We can get the urinals of 10,000 to 60,000 high-traffic men's rooms flyered.

Which could make over 1 million men see the flyers.

Which could plant a seed in the minds of hundreds of thousands of them.

Which could lead to tens of thousands of them reading the websites introduced in the flyers.

Which could result in several thousand more men becoming fully educated about the various dimensions of misandry that are silently enslaving them. 

Several thousand new men would be a major expansion from the few hundred that exist today.  From these new men will arise new ideas, new activism, and shifts in the cultural flow of society.  There will be more challenges to unspoken misandric assumptions, and more pressure to question 'feminist' falsehoods. 

The Tea Party went from zero to a dominant political force in under two years.  I see anti-misandry as the next stage of the Tea Party's goal of small government, as there can be no reduction in government spending without a direct confrontation of 'feminism'.  This also means that anti-misandry can spread as fast as the Tea Party did, and possibly shield the Tea Party from Republican feminists seeking to co-opt it.  1000 Man-Hours to start an avalanche.  On this day, 1/1/2011, go and take action. 

The Reaction from Misandrists : The reaction that 'URLs @ Urinals' will provoke is alone worth the effort, if their belligerence upon my use of the term 'fatocalypse' in The Misandry Bubble is any indication.  Already in a stupor of castrative bloodlust, 'feminists' will be tipped into hysteria by the thought of more men being sent information from outside the plantation.  Their reactions will span the whole range of derangement, from demands for taxpayer-funded armed guards to apprehend flyer posters, to feminists barging into men's rooms to inspect for evidence of 'misogyny', to calls for outright bans on urinals themselves as 'male supremacist' appliances, to increasingly bold statements regarding the need to reduce the male population to a fraction of what it currently is (yes, they actually do say this).  The good news is that by baiting them, their reactions will do a fair amount of our work for us, and other men in Group A will see this and begin to recoil in revulsion.   

Pedestalizers will see these flyers, and tear them down.  But that action is futile as due to the viral nature of 'URLs @ Urinals' they have no idea where or when the next flyers will be posted.  They will, as mentioned before, double down on their repellent pedestalization of women.  But they can only double down so many times, and this will accelerate the process of them cracking under the burdens of their ignorance.  If you would like to see the costs of misandry accumulate onto the pedestalizers/girlie-men who sustain it, put in a few hours into 'URLs @ Urinals'.  Assume that each hour you spend posting a compelling flyer in the right place is collectively costing pedestalizers money. 

Remember that all we are doing is asking men to go to certain websites, some of which have female authors.  After that, any opinions these men form, or decisions they make, are their choice, and I would not have it any other way.  For those who oppose 'URLs @ Urinals' as 'misogynist', know that they are actually opposed to men knowing what divorce and child custody laws are, what sorts of mechanisms can land them in prison without due process that they think they are protected by, and that little boys are being drugged in schools in order to make them less masculine.  What type of creatures would oppose the act of individuals informing themselves about the laws they live under?  Keep that in mind as you set out to post flyers.

The Ripple Effects : I do not in any way claim that 1000 hours of 'URLs @ Urinals' will by itself topple the massive legislative-industrial complex of misandry.  I do, however, think that 1000 hours of this can expand the number of men who are both well-informed about misandry and seriously troubled by it, by two orders of magnitude more than what it is now.  If, by the end of 2011, the number of men who are have awareness is a hundred times higher, then from that platform, many new leaders and ideas will emerge. 

Always remember the following characteristics of revolutions :

  • Information wants to be free, and the Impact of Computing makes it more and more free
  • The regime that is dependent on restricting access to information always loses to the movement that strengthens with greater information flow.
  • The side that has not innovated any new weapons or tactics in a long time, will lose. 

It appears that all of those points are in favor of justice and freedom, and are working against misandry.  There has been no ideology in the West in the modern era that has been more dependent on keeping people uninformed about the laws they live under.     

About myself, my career exists in the medium between Silicon Valley and High Finance.  I have participated in the creation of disruptive technologies and asymmetrically competitive business models, and longtime readers know about my track record of predictions.  I have an eye for how to do a lot with a little, and I believe this tactic will change society quickly.  Never aim low.   

Who Should Participate in 'URLs @ Urinals'? 

  • Anyone who has read The Misandry Bubble, and is keen on engineering an orderly unwinding of it, rather that the default outcome of a turbulent, seismic unwinding. 
  • Anyone who dislikes how 'feminism' harms women.  It is impossible to oppress one gender without also damaging the other, and 'feminism' has created a legion of unmarried, childless, impoverished older women who were sold outright falsehoods.
  • Anyone who recognizes that the US economy will not become robust again until a reduction in misandry, as explained in the 'Economic Thesis' portion of The Misandry Bubble. 
  • Anyone who opposes the expanding size of government.  I repeat again that government spending will not reduce until the Tea Party figures out that there is no way around a direct and fierce confrontation with 'feminism'
  • Anyone who believes that the US Constitution has valuable protections in it.  Nowhere else is the Constitution more bypassed and ignored than in the misandric shadow state.  Why is there a second legal system that operates outside the Constitution? 
  • Anyone who still wants Western civilization to be vibrant and powerful.  If you are concerned about India and China catching up, at the very forefront of your concerns should be the fact that in India and China, almost all children grow up with both biological parents living in the same home, while in the US, more than half of the children born today will not.  The rise and fall of civilizations often does come down to very basic elements. 
  • Anyone who would enjoy toppling a regime heavily dependent on concealing and restricting information. 

In closing, let me add that this is also a test of the anti-misandry-sphere.  Hundreds of men comment on blogs about the evils of misandry, but point out (correctly) that they don't know where to begin, and that their numbers and resources are too few, and that they have to remain anonymous.  'URLs @ Urinals' greatly reduces those disadvantages, and is fully decentralized.  1000 hours is very little, and if this nascent community cannot muster even this minimal amount of effort, then, well, the right to complain would become much lower.  Debate this strategy, critique it, scoff at it, yes.  But do that after have put in an hour or two of your own.  If there is to eventually be a real movement against misandry, mobilizing 1000 hours of activism is a minimal prerequisite. 

Rise to action, men, and make it happen.  Get out and start posting flyers (such as these). 

Do it now!!

Note on Comments : The usual pre-emption applies : misandrists have no debate tactics other than to call their opponents 'misogynists' and 'losers'.  See The Misandry Bubble for a deconstruction of the inherent projection behind those slurs, particularly since misandry is far more common than misogyny.  I continue to be amused by how many 'feminists' are unable to spell the most important word in their vocabulary.  So let's end with a poll : 

How Will The Misandry Bubble Unwind?
What? Both men and women are treated fairly
The number of men alive should be reduced!
Free polls from
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