GPS Ski Gloves Place the Display On the Tip Of Your Thumb [GPS]

While these actual, real, strap-'em-to-your-hands-and-navigate-ski-slopes gloves are, you know, real, I much preferred the GPS gloves concept from two years ago. Give me a bionic hand over insulated glove any day of the week.

Still, there's something to be said for GPS gloves you can actually wear, and while Zanier hasn't confirmed the price of their Xplore.XGX ski gloves, they'll be going on sale sometime this year. Sure, you can just download a ski app on your iPhone which can help steer you down the slopes, but unless you've got an ultra-padded compartment for it I wouldn't risk taking one skiing. But then you're probably far less clumsy than I.

It'd be much easier just glancing down at the monochrome display on the thumb of the glove to see basic stats on how fast you're traveling, the distance you've covered, duration and altitude. Plus, that all important question of where the hell am I?

The gloves can also be connected by USB to your computer so you can collate data on your various skiing trips, and as they're made using Gore-Tex your fingers should be toasty warm. Unless the GPS happens to navigate you hand-first into an avalanche. [Ispo via Gadget Crave]

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