Futurist Speaker: Keynote Speeches by Glen Hiemstra …

The Future. If you listen carefully, you can learn what the future is telling you.

Glen Hiemstra, futurist speaker, Founder of Futurist.com, author, blogger, has been listening to the future professionally for two decades. Glens popular keynote speeches examine the important events, trends and developments that are shaping the future, with a particular emphasis on how we can create the future we prefer.

Glen addresses Development Officers in Portland

Keynotes are customized for your audience. Click here for a list of popular keynote topics. Glen Hiemstra is a powerful and entertaining speaker, a professional speaker for two decades. Audiences have compared Glens speaking to Alvin Toffler for the scope of his vision, Jeremy Rifkin for his depth of analysis, and to James Burke for his style of presentation.

In Sochi, Russia

In this keynote Glen offers a sweeping and entertaining overview of the key trend areas shaping the next decade and beyond: demographics, technology, the knowledge-based economy, and the next energy revolution. The predictable but often surprising nature of the future is explored. Listeners are challenged both to wake up to the future and to take the creation of a preferred future into their own hands. Specific developments that are noted, depending on customization to the audience, may include telepresence, nanotechnology, 3D communication and entertainment, consumer and brand trends, the real situation with oil and energy, aging and youth demographic trends, confronting the great divides in society, environmental challenges and green business opportunities, and biotech advances that offer the hope of longer and healthier lives. This speech inspires listeners to develop successful strategic leadership and to create the future. Full of surprises, this customizable keynote offers a balanced view of the future, and a hopeful vision for the rest of the 21st Century.

Glen Speaks at Carter Center, Atlanta

This is a keynote focused on moving beyond the economic collapse of recent years. In 2006 and 2007 Glen was one of the early voices to warn of an impending economic crisis, more than a year before it happened. Now encourages audiences to look forward and the possibilities are far greater than most people imagine. Glen reviews the key trends shaping the next several decades, as we deal with the global economic re-set. He suggests that a new vision for a preferred future will emerge based on revised values, innovation, the network effects of advanced communication, and new technology. No field of enterprise, no nation, no community is unaffected by the changes which are happening, and all can create new opportunities. By acting wisely now you can lead your enterprise to a future that is more sustainable, of higher quality, and happier than what has come before. Glen believes that we have a rare opportunity to create a world that works, but we have to get really smart and really courageous in the coming decade. The future can be a new renaissance, if we are willing to think in the future tense.

Glen Speaks for SONAE in Portugal

We learn about your industry and apply our targeted futures research toward a vision of the future that will specifically address the special interests of your audience. Past examples include The Future of: global trade, workforce, human resources, public works, cities and communities, bioethics, technology, computing and the internet, insurance, housing and real estate, construction trades, education, manufacturing, banking and financial services, global investing, philanthropy.

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Futurist Speaker: Keynote Speeches by Glen Hiemstra ...

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