First Look: GV Mobile 2.0 for the iPhone [Google]

GV Mobile is now available for jailbroken iPhone devices for free, but there's something better coming up… GV Mobile 2.0. Here's a first look at the app.

It's pretty simple: Apple's iPhone OS is basically the only major smartphone operating system without an official or unofficial Google Voice client. We used to have GV Mobile and VoiceCentral, but as we all know, those were abruptly removed from the App Store and even Google's official client was turned away. Well, at least Apple didn't Amazon your iPhone and take away the Google Voice applications you already bought/downloaded, right? They might as well have as GV Mobile was rendered useless after a Google Voice-side update, and with no way of updating existing user's applications, anyone who had been a GV Mobile user up until that point in time was out of luck.

GV Mobile is now available for jailbroken iPhone devices for free, but there's something better coming up: GV Mobile 2.0. We're really excited to tell you about it, too. It has been polished and refined — it had an injection of features —and we love using it, even in its non-final and beta form. For starters, dialed calls connect almost instantly, your iPhone contacts and favorites are accessible right within the app, there's voicemail transcription viewing, and even multiple Google Voice account support. Advanced features like call forwarding phones, do not disturb settings as well automatic syncing, and even Growl support are on the to-do list, but for now, we're just happy to have GV Mobile back on our non-jailbroken iPhone. Hopefully Apple reverses course and lets this version through their pearly gates when it is finished, though we wouldn't bet the farm on it.

Super shout out to Sean Kovacs for hooking us up!

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