Doesn’t She Look Thrilled About LG’s First DTV Devices For The US [Dtv]

Yes, your eyes are deceiving you, LG's not licensed the StarTAC design. Phew. That telescopic antenna doesn't just harp back to ye olden days though, it also receives a digital TV signal, one of the first US DTV devices.

Joining the Lotus clamshell is the DP570MH portable DVD player, which will play DVDs and over 800 channels of live digital TV thanks to the LG2160A ATSC-M/H chip, which LG's offered to Dell for use in its laptops, and manufacturers of in-car receivers such as Kenwood. The DVD player has a four hour battery life when playing TV, which is only two hours less than the iPod Touch.

I'm all for DTV devices, but surely LG could've picked a better handset to introduce to the US market, considering the Lotus has been floating around since the end of 2008? [LGE via Engadget]

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