Digital Media Strategist Carlo Donzella and Futurist Gerd Leonhard talk about Smart Cities (MotM3) – Video

Digital Media Strategist Carlo Donzella and Futurist Gerd Leonhard talk about Smart Cities (MotM3)
This is the 3rd pilot for my new web-tv show called Meetings of the Mind (MotM), soon to be available at In this episode I talk to Carlo Donzella, in Rome / Italy see As an advisor to the Lazio Region of Rome, Carlo has recently been involved in the project which has created 6 world-class digital media experiences for 6 world-heritage sites within the Lazio region. Carlo also teaches the "Brave New Media World" course at the Master in Development, Innovation and Change (MiDIC) of the University of Bologna (Italy) and at the PopAkademie of the University of Mannheim (Germany). A reviewer for dozens of international projects, he has covered various executive and consulting roles with many public agencies and private enterprises. We discuss Carlo #39;s work in digital, smart cities, and ponder what the future may hold for cities that use social local mobile video and cloud applications to engage with their visitors, citizens and fans. This is a wide-ranging discussion that covers a ton of stuff - hope you like it. Audio track will go up on soon, as well! Please note: You can now download most of my videos by simply subscribing to this iTunes video feed (via *** audio-only versions are now available here: or on the web at My vimeo channel is here Enjoy! Gerd Leonhard Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker Basel / Switzerland CEO www ...

By: Gerd Leonhard

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Digital Media Strategist Carlo Donzella and Futurist Gerd Leonhard talk about Smart Cities (MotM3) - Video

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