Murkowski Vote Fails, Six Democrats Vote Against the EPA

Photo: Sean Gardner - An Oil-covered pelican sits on the rocky shore line of Queen Bess Island Pelican Rookery three miles north east of Grand Isle, Louisiana June 6, 2010.

Besides the Gulf Oil Spill, there is a lot of other environmental news happening.

OECD tells G20 fossil fuel subsidies should end

PARIS (Reuters, June 9) – The OECD urged governments to end fossil fuels subsidies in a statement on Wednesday that argued this could cut greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent and help deliver on G20 promises to combat global warming. Leaders of the Group of 20 economic powers meet in Toronto in late June and pledged last September in Pittsburgh to press for a phase-out over the medium term, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development said.

Green Business

“Many governments are giving subsidies to fossil fuel production and consumption that encourage greenhouse gas emissions, at the same time as they are spending on projects to promote clean energy,” OECD chief Angel Gurría said.  “This is a wasteful use of scarce budget resources.”

Yes, it certainly is.  The only energy that should be getting subsidies these days is renewable energy and nuclear power, but only the safest, 4th generation nuclear power that is currently in development.  We will probably need at least some of it because the oil faucet is going to be turned off very soon.  Electric cars will need massive amounts of electricity and we have to stop burning coal too.  (Unless our car culture somehow disappears, and that is hard to picture unless it is done by force).

Murkowski vote reveals dirty Democrats,  from TrueSlant

Senator Lisa Murkowski R-Alaska. Image by Getty Images via @daylife

“If you want to know why the United States has failed to act on climate change–a political failure that could precipitate a larger political failure for the world–here’s one answer: Evan Bayh of Indiana, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas (one of Obama’s favorites), Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Mark Pryor of Arkansas, and Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia. [Get these people out of office! ]

Those are the six Senate Democrats who voted with Alaska Republican Lisa Murkowski this afternoon in a failed effort to strip the Environmental Protection Agency of its power to regulate greenhouse gas pollution. Murkowski enjoyed the support of all her fellow Republicans in the resolution, which went down 47-53 (roll call).

Independent Joe Lieberman voted with the majority to defeat the resolution. “

The “dirty Democrats” should be replaced as soon as possible.  (Looks like we are stuck with Blanche for awhile though). They will hold up any climate legislation and fight against the EPA.  It’s astounding that some of these people are from the southern states where the oil spill is having the largest impact!

Is It Antiscience to Limit EPA’s Authority on Greenhouse Emissions?
YES, because they are attempting to strip [...]

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