‘DYNAMICS! Cubism / Futurism / Kineticism’ in Vienna

DYNAMICS! Cubism / Futurism / Kinteticism
[DYNAMIK! Kubismus / Futurismus / Kinetismus]

February 10 – May 29, 2011
Lower Belvedere, Vienna

With its show DYNAMICS! Cubism / Futurism / Kineticism, the Belvedere offers a comprehensive insight into abstraction as practiced in Vienna between 1919 and 1929, in the context of European Modernism. The phenomenon of Viennese Kineticism, which has hitherto attracted little attention internationally, is presented alongside masterpieces from all over Europe, including works by František Kupka, Robert Delaunay, Fernand Léger, Carlo Carrà, and Giacomo Balla. In the early 1920s, it was particularly the students in Franz Cizek’s class at the Vienna School of Applied Arts who dealt with Cubism and Italian and Russian Futurism – art styles for which, contrary to Paris or Berlin, no tradition had yet been established in Vienna. The exhibition demonstrates how rapidly and innovatively Viennese artists joined in with the European post-war avant-garde during the 1920s.

A joint project by the Belvedere and the Vienna University of Applied Arts.


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