Today: Freedom’s Defense Fund Releases Ad in Support of Todd Akin


Freedoms Defense Fund, an independent political organization dedicated to principles of limited government, today released an ad in support of Rep. Todd Akins bid to unseat Senator Clare McCaskill. The ad, entitled Lets Do the Math, calls out Claire McCaskill for her uniform support of Barack Obamas disastrous policies. It is part of a $250,000 independent expenditure aimed at making Todd Akin the next Missouri Senator.

Claire McCaskill votes with Barack Obama 98 percent of the time, the ad notes. McCaskill is a reliable ally in the liberal assault on free-market capitalism and traditional values.

The ad is part of a continuing commitment on the part of Freedoms Defense Fund to support candidates who have been abandoned by the mainstream. The National Republican Senatorial Committee has refused to fund Akins bid, even though polls demonstrate the race to be very winnable.

On the issues, Todd Akin is the right leader for Missouri, said Michael Centanni, Chairman of Freedoms Defense Fund. We know Missouri voters reject Barack Obama and Sen. McCaskills extreme vision for America, and we want to make sure they are informed.

To view the ad, visit

About Freedoms Defense Fund

Freedoms Defense Fund is a political action committee dedicated to the protection of liberty from big government advocates of either party. Freedoms Defense Fund stands with conservative, pro-freedom candidates against the radical left and their elitist allies in the mainstream media.

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Today: Freedom’s Defense Fund Releases Ad in Support of Todd Akin

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