There’s a magic box here at Freedom Plaza

The small, brown box that sits on the reception desk at Freedom Plaza has the power to change lives. It doesn't contain a new medical marvel, nor does it proselytize any religious creed.

It's the receptacle for Freedom Plaza Scholarship applications.

During the past two decades, hundreds of hourly employees have had their lives changed for the better because of that brown box and the more than $500,000 in educational grants it has provided them.

Some grant recipients have used those funds to pursue a college education; others have used them to study electronics, computers, forestry, culinary arts, massage therapy or to attain nursing credentials.

As magic as that brown box may seem, its power is generated by the residents of Freedom Plaza on several levels.

First, it's by the concern they exhibit for the welfare of those who serve them on a daily basis. Making life better for the people who make our lives better is why they support the Scholarship Fund.

Next, it's the willingness of Freedom Plaza residents to become directly involved, giving their time and energy by serving on the Scholarship Board of Directors or participating in fundraising events.

For some residents who can't participate on a physical level, it's their generosity in donations that helps to empower the brown box.

The contents of that box are currently being scrutinized by the selection committee of the Scholarship Fund. They not only read and discuss applications but also interview each candidate personally. Their decision in awarding grants will be based on financial need, the recommendation of the applicants' job supervisor and a written statement of educational goals as supplied by the applicant.

On the evening of May 9, the 2013 Scholarship Awards Ceremony will be held at the Freedom Plaza Auditorium. It's anticipated that last year's record number of 26 grants, each for $2,000, will be met again this year.

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There's a magic box here at Freedom Plaza

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