satan talks about seccuring freedom while he seeks out those whom he can decieve kill and destroy – Video

satan talks about seccuring freedom while he seeks out those whom he can decieve kill and destroy
yes you actually get to hear our satanic false and fake president lie about securing peace while he wonders to and fro seeking thos whom ha can decieve kill and destroy .how many more countrys he can send his favorite machines to (those predator drones ) kill more innocent men woman and children .in syria iraq egypt yemen as well as soon here in the united states where he plans to have 30 #39;000 by the end of this decade . clearly he is not interested insecuring our freedoms and rights but those of the global elite and the megea corporations especially kbr deffense contractors / mercenaries. the fact that his very lips are talking about these things mentioning them is only code for letting the new world order what and whos rights and fredoms he going to finish destroying killing and murdering either through false flage or obama care or by war or bio weapon attack this speech is his way of warning thoses in this country as to his true agenda since he always dose the oppisite of what he say #39;s he #39;s really going to do !!! wake up get prepared.YOUR ALMOST OUT OF TIME!!!...

By: washingtonpatriot76

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satan talks about seccuring freedom while he seeks out those whom he can decieve kill and destroy - Video

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