RedBlue America: Will gay marriage hurt freedom of religion

The U.S. Supreme Court's ruling is expected this week on the Defense of Marriage Act and California's Proposition 8, which limited marriage to a man and a woman. Will gay marriage undermine the freedom of religious people to recognize only traditional marriage?

Religious rights to suffer

No, the First Amendment and same-sex marriage cannot coexist harmoniously. Something will have to give -- and it will start with the freedom of conscience.

Here's why: If the law says there can be no "rational basis" for treating the union between a man and a woman as something unique -- if a union between any two (or, perhaps someday, more) consenting adults is a "marriage" -- then it really doesn't matter what your conscience tells you.

We don't prosecute people for holding unpopular beliefs -- yet -- but the authorities do look askance at discrimination. That's why we hear so much lately about caterers, photographers and florists running afoul of several states' civil rights laws for refusing to do business with gay couples.

True, those aren't churches. But states such as New Jersey and Vermont have already sanctioned church-affiliated organizations for refusing to host same-sex weddings or receptions at their facilities.

Freedom of association is also in jeopardy. California's state Senate last month voted to strip the Boy

California's Democrats don't care about the Boy Scouts' First Amendment right to define their membership. And they don't have particularly high regard for the role the organization plays in shaping boys into responsible adults and good citizens. The Scouts simply don't conform to the Democrats' way of thinking, and so they must be punished. Does anyone seriously think churches won't be punished, too?

It's only a matter of time before what we understand as "freedom of religion" is whittled down to little more than the freedom to worship whatever deity you choose in a special building one day out of the week.

But to actually apply your religious beliefs to the way you live or do business the other six days? Expect no sympathy from the law when it comes to same-sex unions. Such is the price of "equality."

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RedBlue America: Will gay marriage hurt freedom of religion

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