
Parkour Free Running Fail Compilation 3
Parkour Free Running Fail Compilation 3 parkour Free Running can be really dangerous so train proper and rested. Avoid trying stuff that is too big of a jump for your current level. Pun intended. Parkour (French pronunciation: #8203;[pa #641; #712;ku #641;]) (abbreviated PK) is a training discipline that developed out of military obstacle course training. Practitioners aim to move from one place to another, negotiating the obstacles in between. The discipline uses no equipment and is non-competitive. A male practitioner is generally called a "traceur", a female a "traceuse". Developed by Raymond Belle, David Belle, Sbastien Foucan and other members of the original Yamakasi group, parkour became popular in the 1990s and 2000s through a series of documentaries and films featuring these practitioners and others. According to Williams Belle, the philosophies and theories behind parkour are an integral aspect of the art, one that many non-practitioners have never been exposed to. Belle trains people because he wants "it to be alive" and for "people to use it". Chu Belle explains it is a "type of freedom" or "kind of expression"; that parkour is "only a state of mind" rather than a set of actions, and that it is about overcoming and adapting to mental and emotional obstacles as well as physical barriers. A newer convention of parkour philosophy has been the idea of "human reclamation". Andy (Animus of Parkour North America) clarifies it as "a means of reclaiming what it means to be a human ...From:durianriderViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:24More inComedy

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