Obama Tries to Shake GOP Stranglehold on 'Freedom'

President Barack Obama speaks on proposals to reduce gun violence at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington.

President Barack Obama sought to engender popular support for his gun reform proposals announced Wednesday by fighting critics on their own linguistic turfframing them in terms of freedom.

Many of the president's detractors have long felt his domestic agenda includes tearing apart individual freedoms, particularly the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

A letter circulated by the National Rifle Association during a gun conference in Las Vegas Wednesday said the White House's series of meetings with outside groups to listen and discuss possible gun reform measures was a "lie."

[PHOTOS:Obama Unveils New Gun Control Proposals]

"They didn't listen to gun owners' concerns," wrote Wayne LaPierre, NRA executive vice president, according to a copy of the letter obtained by the Washington Post. "They didn't consider any real solutions on how we can keep our kids safe. Instead Barack Obama, Joe Biden and their gun ban allies in Congress only want to BLAME you, VILIFY you, BULLY you and STRIP you of your Second Amendment freedoms."

This attitude is also widely reflected in the conservative online community, with countless blog writers expressing their concerns that Obama seeks to limit their access to guns in order to prevent a revolution and compare him to Stalin, Hitler or Castro.

"The administration's intent could not be more clear," writes Tom Blumer in an entry for Frontpagemag.com. "It wants to bureaucratically create a de facto repeal of as much of the Second Amendment's clearly stated and correctly interpreted individual 'right of the people to keep and bear Arms' as possible by Jan. 20, 2017 and if that requires shredding what's left of the Constitution's separation of powers, so be it."

[WATCH:NRA Ad Targets Obamas Children]

But Wednesday, Obama also turned to the Constitution and Declaration of Independence to support his case for gun reform, which includes calling on Congress to enact an assault weapons ban and universal background checks.

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Obama Tries to Shake GOP Stranglehold on 'Freedom'

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