Media Advisory/Photo Opportunity – Cash Store Financial Freedom Run to Take Place in Cornwall

CORNWALL, ON , Sept. 25, 2013 /CNW/ - This Saturday hundreds of runners (and walkers) will participate in the Cash Store Financial Freedom Run for Diabetes Research in Cornwall . The race is one of 27 community runs across the country in support of the Canadian Diabetes Association and will help raise funds and awareness for diabetes.



"Money raised from the Freedom Runs for Diabetes Research will help support the Canadian Diabetes Association's cutting-edge diabetes research. We thank Cash Store Financial for making the Freedom Runs for Diabetes Research possible and helping to make a difference for Canadians living with diabetes."

- Fred DeFina , Director of Community Giving for the Canadian Diabetes Association

"Cash Store Financial is dedicated to supporting the CDA in raising funds and awareness for diabetes - a disease that is now a global pandemic. Through the Cash Store Financial Freedom Run, we are proud to join the hundreds of walkers and runners, from coast-to-coast, in the fight against diabetes. Each year, the Freedom Run will bring us closer to our goal of raising $7.5 million in support of diabetes research."

- Gordon Reykdal , CEO of Cash Store Financial

To learn more about how you can volunteer or participate in the Cash Store Financial Freedom Run for Diabetes Research, visit

About Cash Store Financial Cash Store Financial is the only lender and broker of shortterm advances and provider of other financial services in Canada that is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (CSF.TO). Cash Store Financial also trades on the New York Stock Exchange (CSFS). Cash Store Financial operates 510 branches across Canada under the banners "Cash Store Financial" and "Instaloans". Cash Store Financial also operates 27 branches in the United Kingdom .

About the Canadian Diabetes Association The Canadian Diabetes Association is a registered charitable organization, leading the fight against diabetes by helping people with diabetes live healthy lives while we work to find a cure. Our professional staff and more than 20,000 volunteers provide education and services to help people in their daily fight against the disease, advocate on behalf of people with diabetes for the opportunity to achieve their highest quality of life, and break ground towards a cure. Please visit, join us on, follow us on Twitter @DiabetesAssoc, or call 1-800-BANTING (226-8464).

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Media Advisory/Photo Opportunity - Cash Store Financial Freedom Run to Take Place in Cornwall

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