Louis Taylor savors freedom after 40 years in prison

(CBS News) A "60 Minutes" investigation raised questions about the evidence that sent Louis Taylor to prison at age 16 for allegedly setting a Tucson hotel fire that killed 29 people. After four decades behind bars, Taylor was released Tuesday night in a deal that required him to plead no contest to the charges to avoid a retrial. One of the first things he did next was talk to CBS News.

Man convicted in Pioneer Hotel fire deaths, Louis Taylor, now a free man after 40 years Freed prisoner Louis Taylor on Pioneer Hotel plea: "I had no choice" "60 Minutes": Arizona's Pioneer Hotel fire re-examined

"It's precious," said Louis Taylor. "Freedom is precious."

Watch Louis Taylor speak to reporters following his plea deal:

Taylor is savoring his first 24 hours of freedom. We sat down for a face-to-face interview with Taylor and his attorney Ed Novak. His freedom is new, his emotions are raw.

"I did 41 years of my life for something I didn't do," he said. "It was shameful, shameful what they did to me."

Of the life he missed while he was in prison, Taylor said: "Yeah, I don't even know how to drive a car. It ain't supposed to happen in America. We're supposed to have the best justice system in the world. How did I fall in the cracks for 42 years?"

He's free, he said, because the Arizona Justice Project and "60 Minutes" uncovered evidence of a shoddy investigation, suppression of evidence and racial bias.

"The world knows I'm innocent," Taylor said. "They should know I'm innocent. I am innocent."

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Louis Taylor savors freedom after 40 years in prison

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