Letter: Act violates freedom of religion

Freedom of religion is a right, but more than just the right to attend the church of our choice. It also assures that government does not force anyone to act contrary to their conscience. The Health and Human Services Act violates this right.

Catholics believe that sexuality is a gift, offering us an amazing opportunity to participate in Gods creative power. Use of contraception reduces this beautiful gift to a mere act of pleasure, one in which our human desires and selfishness are deemed more important than the higher order of Gods plan. The HHSA mandates that all insurance policies provide coverage for contraception, forcing the Catholic Church and its affiliates (social services, hospitals, schools/colleges) to act in direct contradiction to their beliefs.

The HHSA would also require the Catholic Church to provide coverage for some abortive services. Worse than being asked to sanction the artificial prevention of a pregnancy, is asking Catholics to sanction the termination of an innocent human life. We believe that from the moment a life begins at conception, no one has the right to take that life except the author of life himself. Pro-choice gives an unborn baby no choice. No Catholic (or person of conscience) can sanction, or pay for, that.

Freedom is intended to foster dignity, not encourage depravity. Whose dignity is fostered by either contraception or abortion? I am a Catholic, proud that my faith teaches that Gods laws supersede those of humans. I applaud our leaders for taking this unpopular, yet unwavering, stand.

In doing so, they are not imposing judgment or beliefs on anyone. Rather they are asking that the standards of the world not be imposed on us. May God give us the grace to continue to show his compassion to individuals, while remaining uncompromising in our principles.



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Letter: Act violates freedom of religion

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