Learn more about ’12 Years a Slave’ at Freedom Center

With 12 Years a Slave getting nine Oscar nominations today, including movie of the year and winning best picture at the Golden Globe Awards Sunday the Freedom Center wants you to know about its self-guided tour to learn more about Solomon Northup, the main character in the film.

Northup was the free black man fromupstate New York who wasabducted and sold into slavery in 1841.

Freedom Center historians last fall created the self-guided tourand booklet with images from the movie. It guides visitors to sevenstationsinside the Freedom Center tolearn more aboutNorthup,and thehistorical context for what Northup might have experienced in his time in slavery, and the role of abolitionists in helping him to re-gain his freedom, according to the Freedom Center announcement today.

In addition to the tour, theFreedom Centers originaldocumentary,Journey to Freedom, plays hourly in the Harriet Tubman Theater. The 35-minute film isbasedon Northupsautobiography. The Freedom Center started working with his family and the publisher of his book about 18 months ago, after they heard about our own documentary on Solomon Northups life that was created through a partnership with the U.S. State Departmentsoffice to combat human trafficking, says Natalie Hastings, Freedom Center strategic communications director. Enquirer reporter Mark Curnutte wrote about the film in November 2012.

Important note: The self-guided tour will NOT be available when the Freedom Center is open 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday on Martin Luther King Day, due to expected large crowds.

Hours are11 a.m.-5 p.m.Tuesday-Saturday at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, 50 E. Freedom Way, downtown.

Heres a link to our story about todays Academy Award nominations. Heres the media advisory:

12 Years a Slave gets 9 Oscar Nominations

Freedom Center tour connects story to its collection including imagery from film

What: The Solomon Northup Tour. The Solomon Northup Tour, inspired by the Oscar-nominated film 12 Years A Slave, is a self-guided tour of the Freedom Center.

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Learn more about '12 Years a Slave' at Freedom Center

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