Fuel Freedom’s Yossie Hollander Tells Chapman University TEDx Conference How to “End Our Oil Addiction”


Fuel Freedom Foundation Co-Founder Yossie Hollander told the first TEDx audience at Chapman University on June 21st that American consumers could have $2-a-gallon transportation fuel tomorrow if alternative fuels like natural gas, methanol, ethanol and electricity were allowed to compete at the pump with gasoline.

More than 750 people attended the TEDxChapmanU conference, an independently organized event licensed by TED. An additional 11,000 people registered online to watch the event and Hollanders address, Ending Our Oil Addiction, streaming from the campus in Orange, CA. Hollander was among a group of speakers, including automotive innovator Henrick Fisker and Freedom Writers founder Erin Gruwell, who spoke at the event, titled: Icons, Geniuses and Mavericks.

Your car right now could be converted for $100 or less to run on liquid replacement fuels that cost $2-a-gallon, said Hollander. But it is not legal. Fuels exist today that are cheaper and cleaner than gasoline, are available and will generate American jobs. What we need is competition, like we have in every other market. I can buy whatever television I want, whatever cell phone I want. Americans should be able to buy whatever fuel they want to power their cars.

Standing in the way, Hollander said, are a closed fuel distribution system and outdated regulations. He noted, for example, that the electric carmaker Tesla Motors had to pay a $275,000 fine to the EPA because it didnt have an emissions certificate. Apparently, you need to test emissions for an electric car as well, Hollander said to widespread laughter. Electric vehicles, of course, produce no exhaust.

Hollander pointed out that the breakneck pace of urbanization in China, India and other developing nations will keep global oil prices high despite dramatic increases in domestic U.S. drilling and efforts to conserve oil use and make gasoline engines more efficient. The only way to lower gasoline prices significantly and permanently is to open the markets to competition from replacement fuels, he said.

About Fuel Freedom

The Fuel Freedom Foundation is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to breaking the U.S. economys oil addiction through the development of cheaper, cleaner, American-made fuels. Americans could easily convert their cars to run on replacement fuels for gasoline, but outdated regulations and entrenched commercial interests stand in the way. The Fuel Freedom campaign aims to remove barriers to competition so that natural gas, methanol, ethanol and electricity can compete on equal footing with gasoline at the pump and at the dealership. Achieving Fuel Freedom will lower fuel prices, create jobs, spur economic growth, reduce pollution, and improve national and global security. For more information go to the Foundations website at: http://www.fuelfreedom.org; Facebook: FuelFreedomFoundation (https://www.facebook.com/FuelFreedomFoundation); and Twitter: @FuelFreedomNow.

About TEDx

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.)

See original here:

Fuel Freedom’s Yossie Hollander Tells Chapman University TEDx Conference How to “End Our Oil Addiction”

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