Freedom plans Te'o girlfriend bobblehead giveaway

The Florence Freedom are making plans to give away a Manti Te'o girlfriend bobblehead. Sort of.

On May 23 the Frontier League baseball team will be giving away the boxed bobblehead to the first 1,000 fans through the gates.

The box will be empty.

"This will be the best kind of bobblehead a fan could get," Freedom General Manager Josh Anderson said in a news release. "Because now fans can make the bobblehead out to be whatever they want it to be."

"Section 115 will be blocked and reserved only for fans to sit with their imaginary friends, girlfriends/boyfriends or spouses," the team said.

Te'o, the star Notre Dame football player, is coming under scrutiny after a girlfriend he said died of leukemia turned out to never exist.

Izzy's Famous Corned Beef is also offering a "Manti Teo To Go Order" which consists of "a take-out order with nothing in the box. Its just a reminder to all our wonderful customers who are Notre Dame football fans," CEO John Geisen said in a news release.

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Freedom plans Te'o girlfriend bobblehead giveaway

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