Freedom Honor Flight Veterans come together, share memories


While the Freedom Honor Flight trip to Washington D.C. only lasts a day, the memories are forever.

The flight gives veterans the opportunity to visit the monuments built in their honor in the nation's capital.

Veterans on last month's flight came together on Sunday at the La Crosse Center to talk about their favorite part of the trip and share memories of their service in the military.

Family and friends are also invited to the event.

The President of Freedom Honor Flight Bill Hoel said it's rewarding to hear first-hand how the trip impacts the veterans.

"The very second person to walk in said, 'My husband was on your flight and I haven't seen him this energized and engaged in quite a few years.' That's pretty neat that we can give a family that kind of gift," said Hoel.

Veterans who went on the flight received a DVD with pictures and video of their trip. They were also given photo books with pictures from the event.

The next freedom honor flight is scheduled for September 21st.

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Freedom Honor Flight Veterans come together, share memories

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