Freedom Anglers reels in surprising emotional gift

Freedom Anglers isan organization working to get wounded veterans out of the house and outdoors.It's part of the non-profit organization, Arkansas Freedom Fund.

Sgt. Tim Preator, chair of Freedom Anglers, has been taking veterans fishing.THV 11's Liz Massey wanted to bring Preator back on the show to update us on the organization. Plus, she had a big surprise!

The Gannett Foundation, affiliated with THV's parent company,awarded Freedom Anglers with a $1,000 grant. When this happened, Preator was overcome with emotion and couldn't speak.

The money will help buy fishing and safety equipment andgas for the boat to help take wounded veterans fishing.

The last time Preator was here, he was looking for a Pontoon boat so he could take veterans in wheelchairs out in the water. Minutes after the segment aired, a Benton man who's also in the military donated the use of hisseven-acre lake and pontoon boat.

Preator is already excited to take more veterans fishing. To donate to the Freedom Anglers, click here.


Freedom Anglers reels in surprising emotional gift

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