Advertisement from the Freedom From Religion Foundation

Editors note: On Thursday, July 4, there was a full-page advertisement in the news section, placed by the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Published in full color, the advertisements main message was Celebrate our godless Constitution, and it featured portraits and quotes from six of Americas Founding Fathers. The advertisement was paid for by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and does not reflect the views of The Seattle Times.

Religion is a protected right

Having just returned from vacation in Pennsylvania, named for William Penn, who worked to ensure freedom for religion and nonreligion, it is illuminating to see the full-page ad from the Freedom From Religion Foundation on July 4 promoting the removal of all things religious from the public domain.

Even Thomas Jefferson stated in our founding document that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, explicitly establishing a religious basis for the liberty we celebrate today.

Freedom of speech, too, is a fundamental First Amendment right for all, rather than being limited only to those with no religious basis. Sadly, we seem to be losing the First Amendment protections of freedom of religion.

Ron Carson, Renton

Advertisement was informative

Thanks to The Seattle Times for printing that very attractive, informative full-page ad from the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

Its about time that people learn the truth about our Founding Fathers thoughts on religion and the need for separation of church and state.

Phyllis Becker, Port Hadlock

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Advertisement from the Freedom From Religion Foundation

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