Don’t be selective with freedom of speech – Springfield News-Leader

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Kathy Griffin backlash isn't censorship.

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Daniel Finney, Springfield 7:16 p.m. CT June 10, 2017

Last week I was watching Kathy Griffin BOO-HOOing that the Trump family was trying to ruin her career. Someone in her "group" even said it's censorship. Seriously?

Just a few short years agoa rodeo clown, here in Missouri, wore a Halloween mask (that you could buy in a store) of President Obama as part of his routine in the rodeo. His career as a rodeo clown was ruined. He was labeled a racist and was called who knows what, received death threats, etc.

It's weird to me how a liberal mind can rationalize that wearing a Halloween mask is racist, but holding up the likeness of a sitting President's bloody severed head is freedom of speech!

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Don't be selective with freedom of speech - Springfield News-Leader

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