Does America have a free-speech problem? Readers respond: Letters – Long Beach Press Telegram

Our Question of the Week asked readers, Does America have a free-speech problem?

Free speech comes with obligation to tell the truth

Characterizing this as a free speech issue is a disservice. When the president labels our patriotic intelligence agencies as Nazis and politically driven; when speech results in anti-Semitic attacks at graveyards and Jewish centers; when speech furthers bigotry, racism and xenophobia that results in people being shot and killed; and when speech labels groups as thieves, drug peddlers and criminals, that speech undermines our Constitution and national identity.

Free speech does not give one the right to shout fire. It comes with a responsibility to be truthful and with a commitment to further dialogue.

Gary Murph, Bellflower

A founding principle

This hasnt changed in 241 years. As long as you dont physically threaten someone, you can say whatever the hell you want.

Educated people know you defeat your enemies by outsmarting them with intelligence, brain power and articulation not force.

Don Venitsky, Lakewood

A problem for both sides

Yes, despite our First Amendment rights to free speech, there does seem to be an increase in free-speech problems due to a lack of sensibility from both dissidents and their opponents. There is an even greater wave of dissension since President Trump is attempting to disband many of the Obama administrations policies, fueling more conflict.

Fortunately, we have a constitutional right to peaceful assemble, but still there needs to be greater tranquility when dealing with protestors as well as more civility used by those expressing dissension.

Isadora Johnson, Seal Beach

Cherish it while we have it

The problem with free speech is that we only want other people to have it when they agree with us! George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four should be mandatory reading for everyone so they appreciate freedom of speech. When you no longer have it, its too late.

How long will it be before Donald Trump establishes the Ministry of Truth? His comment that Fox News is a reputable member of the media is laughable. It is the largest purveyor of faux news.

Shirley Conley, Gardena


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Does America have a free-speech problem? Readers respond: Letters - Long Beach Press Telegram

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