Readers sound off on campus free speech, impeachment and the death penalty – New York Daily News

Brooklyn: Just finished watching a fabulous show on CNN titled The Sixties." During that era, groups like the Stones, Beatles, Animals, Beach Boys, The Who, Dylan, etc., never thought about getting older. I am now in my seventies and am moving on with it. All these 60s people have to do the same. Sometimes when I see these groups at present time, I think, Leave us with the way you were, not who you are now. Its okay. Unfortunately, youth does not last forever, physically anyway. I still can get into the songs and stuff with my mind, but when I look in the mirror I see a different face. So, I will continue to watch and listen to my 60s people, but sometimes, its time to move on. Love all you guys. Rita Leslie

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Readers sound off on campus free speech, impeachment and the death penalty - New York Daily News

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