Column: What happened in Vegas should stay in Vegas –

Well, that was chaos. Wednesday night the Democratic presidential candidates took the stage in Las Vegas to debate. It was not boring. The circular firing squad left no one unscathed. Most seemingly shocked by it was former New York City Mayor Bloomberg, clearly unprepared to defend from the well-predicted target on his back.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is being credited for her attack-dog approach going after almost everyone, but most strongly, Bloomberg. She thought she had him against the ropes a few times; she wouldnt have if Bloomberg were better prepared to answer. She attacked him for refusing to, on stage, waive any non-disclosure agreements women had signed with his company. He stuttered and stumbled. It was uncomfortable. I think the answer would be pretty simple: I cant undo legal documents on a political stage, nor should I. That would be exploitative. Im not a lawyer, but I really hope a pressured pronouncement in a political venue for political gain cant be a legal way to cancel a contract.

She then went after him for calling people bad names. Look, its not nice, but if claim you havent called people bad names to their faces or behind their backs, I dont believe you. I think Im a generally nice person, but Ive gotten mad enough to name-call and the more annoyed I am the more creative my choice of words. Sure, you can mince, well, calling someone this is worse than calling someone that. But, is it? Im far more offended that Warren called herself a Native American and stole a heritage to advance her education and career than I am by the nonsense-names Bloomberg called anyone. We shouldnt call anyone derogatory anythings, but we all have. Its not a disqualifier unto itself. And, my Republican friends, you cant support Donald Trump and be offended by Bloombergs name-calling.

We had some back and forth between the two rising stars, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Amy Klobuchar. I can summarize it best as: Youre a doo doo head! No, youre the doo doo head! It was that intellectual. Mayor Pete is upset that in a recent interview Sen. Klobuchar couldnt come up with the name of the Mexican president. As Klobuchar pointed out the election for president isnt a game of Jeopardy. Campaign days are long, with dozens of questions, interviews and conversations every day. People get tired and so do their brains. People forget things they know. It's not worth the way too many seconds Mayor Pete spent on it.

Joe Biden went after Bloomberg for his support of the New York City police policy of stop and frisk when he was mayor. I dont support stop and frisk. I think it goes against the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution. I simply dont understand this bizarre tactic of Democrats going after each other for who is more racist, sexist or bigoted. What an odd and pandering approach. When one of them is the nominee, have they thought about how they are going to support said racist, sexist or bigot against Trump?

The most interesting part of the grudge-match presidential debate was the race to the extreme left. We knew about Universal Health Care and the Green New Deal. These candidates went even further left. Bernie Sanders wants to force companies to give a chunk of their companies to their employees. Why would anyone start a big business if they have to give it away? Warren wants a wealth tax. The idea that you punish success is anti-American. Whats she going to do with that money? Pay for far more things than it could afford. My favorite is Universal Childcare. Cradle-to-grave control of our children paid for by taxpayers. Then shes going to mandate increasing wages for childcare workers. She wants the government to set industry specific salaries and wages.

Bloomberg didnt jump in on the new nonsense, but lets not forget hes the guy who told New Yorkers how much soda, per ounce, they can drink. He did have the most accurate comment of the night: I cant think of a way that would make it easier for Donald Trump to get re-elected than listening to this conversation.

The yelling over each other and hand waving seemed below the office of the president. The bar of our expectations of respect and civility has been lowered of late, but least it was entertaining.

Alicia Preston is a former political consultant and member of the media. Shes a native of Hampton Beach where she lives with her family and three poodles. The views expressed are those of the writer. Write to her at

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Column: What happened in Vegas should stay in Vegas -

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