Funeral protest restrictions move forward in Legislature

DES MOINES | A bill to extend the buffer zone between funerals and protests from 500 to 1,000 feet won House Judiciary subcommittee approval despite a lawmakers warning the Legislature should not infringe on First Amendment free speech rights.

HSB 157 was proposed by Rep. Bobby Kaufmann, R-Wilton, in response to protests by members of Westboro Baptist Church at military funerals.

Rep. Zach Nunn, R-Bondurant, said the bill will help deal with protesters using hate speech and attempting to cover it under the First Amendment.

However, Rep. Jake Highfill, R-Johnston, said that although the Westboro protesters are sick and wrong and I certainly couldnt disagree with them more, the intent of the First Amendment is not to protect popular opinion.

The bill goes to the full Judiciary Committee, which is scheduled to meet again Wednesday afternoon.

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Funeral protest restrictions move forward in Legislature

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