Christianity, evolution are mutually exclusive | Letters To The Editor – Mankato Free Press

The Free Press is delivered to my door every day and I appreciate its information about our community and our world. However, on Sept. 16 the paper made some claims about how we should understand our world.

I must respond.

First, the claim that evolutionary theory has been strengthened over the decades fails to recognize recent events. In the last few decades there have been numerous scientists who have found that living organisms are too complex to have evolved by random mutations. Considerable controversy has erupted among scientists.

Secondly, the claim that Christianity and evolution are not mutually exclusive is false in my view. Darwinian evolution claims that life emerged on earth by accident and increased in complexity by undirected, random mutations over millions of years. Such a process intentionally leaves no room for a Creator.

Holy Scripture reveals that God created all forms of life in a six-day period. Christianity and evolution are mutually exclusive.

Finally, I agree that students dont get a well-grounded education in biology. However, this is not due to teachers reluctance to speak for evolution. The problem is that the Darwinian theory (including neo-Darwinism) is inadequate.

Over 1,000 scientists from around the world have signed The Scientific Dissent from Darwinism, which states: We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life.

The signers hold doctorates from universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Dartmouth, Rutgers, University of Chicago, Stanford and the University of California-Berkeley. Their fields are biology, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, computer science, and more.

Why isnt the word getting out?

Rev. Randy Pemberton


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Christianity, evolution are mutually exclusive | Letters To The Editor - Mankato Free Press

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