Victims Of NC Sterilization Program Increase

Raleigh, NC-- The NC Justice For Sterilization Victims Foundation has confirmed an increase in the number of verified victims of the state's former Eugenics Board Program.

Thursday, the organization said a 186 individuals in 61 counties, including 168 living victims are now listed.

Gov. Perdue's budget called for providing $50,000 compensation to each living victim, as well as certain health services and establishing a permanent exhibit about the Eugenics movement in the N.C. Museum of History. In June, the N.C. State Center for Health Statistics revised down the number of likely living victims from about 1,500 to 2,000 to about 1,350 to 1,800.

As of today, Lenoir County, where the Caswell Center is located, continues to have the highest number of verifications with 24 matches to N.C. Eugenics Board records. Mecklenburg, which had the highest number of procedures of any North Carolina county, follows with 15 verifications, then Wake with 12. Among the Top 10 counties, Scotland is the only one to have no matches to date.

Counties with new verifications include Lee, Montgomery, Buncombe and Edgecombe. While procedures were performed in all 100 counties, 43 counties still report zero verifications.

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Victims Of NC Sterilization Program Increase

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