Stop Forced Abortion, Sterilization of Disabled Woman – Video

Stop Forced Abortion, Sterilization of Disabled Woman
A Nevada judge is trying to force a retarded woman to abort her baby and be sterilized, against the wishes of her parents who are her legal guardians and are Catholics. Please sign the petition to voice your disgust at this proposition. Eugenics has a long history in the US and there are many people in positions of power who believe that some people should have their right to reproduce curtailed. This is why I think it is very important not to let this case slide by- or soon this could once again become common practice. Another recent case, where the woman had a history of mental illness and they tried to force her to abort: My husband Arron (formerly barbarianRebellion) is now using this channel, please visit and subscribe: youtube.comFrom:thetruthergirlsViews:1165 144ratingsTime:05:33More inNews Politics

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Stop Forced Abortion, Sterilization of Disabled Woman - Video

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