Mind control, Eugenics and mark-of-the-beast – Video

Mind control, Eugenics and mark-of-the-beast
The technology developed in the concentration camps by Dr Josef Mengele was exported out of Germany prior to war #39;s end and has continued to be perfected until today. Mind control through traumatic Satanic ritual abuse for the purpose of developing nephilim breeders, super soldiers and the planting of subversive elements in governments, military, education systems, banking systems and every core element of the social and governmental fabric of the United States and power centers around the world. The reason? - the bringing about of the collapse of existing world powers and the ushering in of a one world political, economic and religious system. This short interview will provide a comprehensive introduction as to where we are in the prophetic timeline.

By: Psalm51forAmerica

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Mind control, Eugenics and mark-of-the-beast - Video

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