
Bush Globalist NWO being realized! People have no say!
Bush arrogantly tells you the NWO is being implemented without your say! And the worst part is that Obama is also involved and all of you who voted for him don #39;t realize how you have been conned. Both parties are invoking the NWO. They just handle different aspects of the NWO. So whether you voted for the Democrats of Republicans in 2012, you have been defrauded! George HW Bush (For all of you Republicans who were fooled into voting for the Bush family) z4.invisionfree.com millercenter.org Prescott Bush: z4.invisionfree.com Samuel P. Bush: http://www.nndb.com Calls for a NWO from Global leaders: z4.invisionfree.com Eugenics: z4.invisionfree.com McCormack Dickstein Commission Maj Gen Smedley Butler Testimony: z4.invisionfree.com Mikhail Gorbachev sets up shop at the Presidio: z4.invisionfree.com Hegelian Dialectic: z4.invisionfree.comFrom:InformedruViews:5 1ratingsTime:09:25More inNews Politics

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