anonymous – A message to all Humanity – Video

anonymous - A message to all Humanity
Its time to wake up Humanity to the scheming plans of the NWO elites, Illuminati and the Bilderberg Group. 2012 leading upto 2030, their plans for Agenda 21 and the depopulation of this planet by 90% using nuclear wars, germ warfare and eugenics to breed a race of super humans, a perfect Arian type race that the Nazis and Adolf Hitler were aiming for. The sooner people wake up to the illusion of this world, the sooner we can change the direction it is heading. Anonymous, a message to all Humanity 2012. Lulz Media Production. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All credit goes to anonymous We do not forget We do not forgive Expect usFrom:unbornproghostViews:1 2ratingsTime:05:54More inEducation

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anonymous - A message to all Humanity - Video

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