While de-bushing spare a thought for the ecosystem – Nation News

ALL OF A sudden, some Government parliamentarians and officials have woken up to a perceived need to de-bush several privately-owned plots of land.

I wish to issue a word of caution where this newly fashionable idea is concerned.

The ecology of Barbados, taken as a whole, has become accustomed to a situation in which several different areas have become overgrown with weed, small trees and bushes.

There seems to be a sustained and complete sudden assault on the homes of birds, butterflies, moths, lizards, slugs, snails, frogs and toads, and so on. I strongly suspect that this will be highly deleterious to the lives and existence of these harmless and very helpful creatures.

Any food crop farmer in Barbados can at present afford to take pollination and cross-pollination of his plants for granted. But if the safe havens of the pollinating agents are destroyed or even largely destroyed, a new situation, a very harsh reality, will unfold.

Please do not think I am against any helpful beautification in Barbados countryside at all. All that I am asking is not to make it too much or too soon.

Also please remember that pasture land for cattle, sheep and goats is already being sharply reduced.


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While de-bushing spare a thought for the ecosystem - Nation News

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