Shelburne awarded ecosystem restoration grant –

News Release Town of Shelburne June 26, 2017

Contacts: Chris Robinson 985-3700 [emailprotected]

Ann Janda 264-5031 [emailprotected]

Shelburne Awarded Ecosystem Restoration Grant to Complete Brook Lane Stormwater Mitigation Project and Decrease Stormwater Impacts to the Munroe Brook Watershed

Shelburne (VT) The Town of Shelburne has been awarded a Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VTDEC), Ecosystem Restoration Program Grant ($12,395) to replace 260 feet of failing stormwater pipe on Brook Lane with 260 feet of perforated pipe, stone lining, and two catch basins.

The Munroe Brook watershed is currently included in the Agency of Natural Resources Stormwater Imapaired List. Brook Lane is in the Hullcrest area within the Munroe Brook watershed. It is a suburban neighborhood that was built a long time ago, and is in need of stormwater retrofitting.

Ecosystem Restoration Grants are made available to Vermont municipalities, local or regional governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, and citizens groups as part of the Ecosystem Restoration Programs on-going efforts to reduce surface water pollution from phosphorus and sediment. Funded projects typically involve efforts to improve stream stability, protect against flood hazards, improve in-stream and riparian habitat, lessen the effects of stormwater runoff, protect and restore riparian wetlands, re-establish lake shoreline native vegetation, and enhance the environmental and economic sustainability of agricultural lands.

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Shelburne awarded ecosystem restoration grant -

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