City of Houston Recognizes TRUEGRID as Beneficial in Eliminating or Reducing Urban Drainage Fees

Houston, Texas (PRWEB) November 12, 2014

The City of Houston's Planning and Development Services Division has recognized TRUEGRID, an eco-friendly alternative pavement system, as effective for residential areas in reducing or eliminating drainage costs where in-situ soil drains at .5" or more per hour, according to the City of Houston's Department of Public Works and Engineering's Infrastructure Design Manual. The TRUEGRID permeable pavement system allows for natural drainage as an alternative to use of a drainage system with a variety of public and private applications.

TRUEGRID's permeable pavement system is designed to replace asphalt pavements with a porous honeycomb-style grid system which allows water to flow through it directly into the ground, where contaminants become trapped in the soil as water enters into the groundwater system. The system is made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic and is then filled with either soil and grass, gravel or porous asphalt, allowing water to escape through to the ground beneath.

Because of the variety of ways that TRUEGRID's permeable pavement system can be filled, it can be used to create more natural-looking driveable areas or can appear to emulate a traditional street. The TRUEGRID system has been shown capable of handling 6880 psi when left unfilled, but capable of far more resistance and even heavy highway usage when filled, making it a suitable alternative to asphalt paving on streets and highways as well as residential driveways.

The City of Houston's Planning Division recognized that because TRUEGRID interacts directly with groundwater, there is no need to construct separate drainage system if the soil in place drains at .5" or more per hour. If the soil naturally drains at that rate, per the City's recommendation, a separate drainage system for a residential property is no longer required. It should be noted that the actual drainage of the in-situ soil should be determined prior to installation.

About TRUEGRID: TRUEGRID is a leader in the permeable paving industry providing factory wholesale direct pricing for both residential and municipal applications. TRUEGRID has a nationwide footprint and specializes in the delivery and construction of permeable paving systems which both improve groundwater quality while reducing long-term drainage costs. TRUEGRID is based in Houston, Texas. TRUEGRID products are made in the United States. For more information, contact TRUEGRUD at 1-855-355-GRID. Their website is

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City of Houston Recognizes TRUEGRID as Beneficial in Eliminating or Reducing Urban Drainage Fees

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