Bicycle Friendly Cities

bike friendly city
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Not only is riding one’s bike, as opposed to driving, an excellent way to stay in shape or lose a few pounds, it’s also environmentally-friendly. Many places are becoming increasingly bikeable, allowing for the option of a car free or mostly car free lifestyle. Rather than hopping in your car, closing that garage door, and rolling off to work, alone, in your vehicle, you now have the option to hop on a bike and achieve the same result – in some pretty surprising places. Some of the most bikeable places in the country might surprise you. If you are considering relocating to somewhere a bit more environmentally friendly, consider moving to a bike friendly location.

Most larger cities have alternative transportation such as buses, subways, and other forms of mass transit. Many also integrate bike lanes on major roads and bridges, as well as creating alternative bike routes that allow folks to get from point A to point B without having to use a car. Cities don’t have to be huge or well known for their eco-friendliness to have a great biking network though, as the following examples illustrate.

Boise, Idaho

The center of the country is, for the most part, ignored or stereotyped as one giant cornfield. And though Midwesterners will admit that we do have a lot of cornfields, there are actually cities interspersed here and there, and some of them are pretty progressive in terms of eco-friendly ways to get around. Idaho, best known for the potato, has one of America’s most walkable cities in Boise.

With breathtaking landscapes and trails aplenty, residents here have long enjoyed a biking way of life.

Minneapolis, Minnesota

I’m sure the first thing many think is that it is cold there, so who would want to bike there? Well, even Minnesota has nice weather and for those hardier among us, there are trails, bike lanes – even on major bridges – aplenty. This makes it possible to get to and from work, the store, and even around for leisure. Minneapolis has been honored a number of times by various cycling organizations for the level of bike friendliness in the city.

Even in the heart of the country it is now possible to live a car-free lifestyle, or at the very least, one that entails less use of the car than before. Some of the most bike friendly cities in the country are right in the heartland, coming as a surprise to many, but a secret gem to those who live in these places.

Chris Keenan is a green and general blog writer. He writes for many sites including Precision Garage Door. Chris also maintains a personal house and garden blog.

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