Autism And Cord Blood Stem Cells: FDA Gives Green Light For Groundbreaking Clinical Trial

Sacramento, CA /PRNewswire/ Sutter Neuroscience Institute, a recognized Center of Excellence, andCBR(Cord Blood Registry), the worlds largest stem cell bank, are launching the firstFDA- approved clinical trial to assess the use of a childs own cord blood stem cells to treat select patients with autism. This first-of-its-kind placebo controlled study will evaluate the ability of an infusion of cord blood stem cells to help improve language and behavior. The study is in conjunction with the Sutter Institute for Medical Research.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, autism spectrum disorders impact one in 88 children in the U.S., and one in 54 boys.1The condition is thought to have multiple risk factors including genetic, environmental and immunological components.

This is the start of a new age of research in stem cell therapies for chronic diseases such as autism, and a natural step to determine whether patients receive some benefit from an infusion of their own cord blood stem cells, said Michael Chez, M.D., director of Pediatric Neurology with the Sutter Neuroscience and principal study investigator. I will focus on a select portion of children diagnosed with autism who have no obvious cause for the condition, such as known genetic syndromes or brain injury.

The study will enroll 30 children between the ages of two and seven, with a diagnosis of autism who meet theinclusion criteria for the study. Enrolled participants will receive two infusionsone of the childs own cord blood stem cells and one of a placeboover the course of 13 months. Both the participants and the lead investigators will be blinded from knowing the content of each infusion. To ensure the highest quality and consistency in cord blood stem cell processing, storage and release for infusion,CBRis the only family stem cell bank providing units from clients for the study.

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Study Rationale A newborns umbilical cord blood contains a unique population of stem cells that have been used for more than 20 years in medical practice to treat certain cancers, blood diseases and immune disorders. When patients undergo a stem cell transplant for these conditions, the stem cells effectively rebuild the blood and immune systems.

A focus of my research has been the complex relationship between a childs immune system and central nervous system. We have evidence to suggest that certain children with autism have dysfunctional immune systems that may be damaging or delaying the development of the nervous system, continued Dr. Chez. Cord blood stem cells may offer ways to modulate or repair the immune systems of these patients which would also improve language and some behavior in children who have no obvious reason to have become autistic. The study is similar to otherFDA-approved clinical trials looking at cord blood stem cells as a therapy for cerebral palsy.

Its exciting to partner with thought-leading medical researchers and clinicians, like Dr. Chez, who are pursuing a scientifically-sound approach in evaluating new therapeutic uses for cord blood stem cells for conditions that currently have no cures, said Heather Brown, vice president of scientific & medical affairs atCBR. Families who made the decision to bank their stem cells to cover the unknowns and what ifs in life are gaining access to this and other important clinical trials while playing an important role in the advancement of science.

The co-investigator of the study is Michael Carroll, M.D., medical director of the Blood and Marrow Transplantation and Hematological Malignancies Program at Sutter Medical Center, Sacramento.

There is a vast amount of unchartered territory when it comes to how stem cell therapies may help patients living with these conditions, said Dr. Carroll. Ive seen how stem cell therapy has changed my field of medicine and how I care for my blood cancer patients. I am eager to see how our work can open new doors for patients and families dealing with autism.

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Autism And Cord Blood Stem Cells: FDA Gives Green Light For Groundbreaking Clinical Trial

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