Dementia: Peter and Sheila's story – diagnosis, relationships, support (subtitled) – Video

20-09-2011 05:26 This is a subtitled version, for non-subtitled version please see Articulate actor Peter first noticed something was wrong when he had trouble remembering his lines. Here Peter's wife Sheila discusses her husband's dementia diagnosis, and the huge impact this had on their relationship. Their dementia support worker Karen talks about the support she was able to provide to help Peter and Sheila live better with dementia. Peter now lives comfortably in a care home.There are more than 750000 people in the UK affected by dementia with numbers set to rise to 1 million by 2021. Alzheimer's Society is the UK's leading care and research charity for people with dementia and those who care for them. Support the fight against dementia. Visit us at

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Dementia: Peter and Sheila's story - diagnosis, relationships, support (subtitled) - Video

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