Deep Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary

1 deep /dip/ adjective

deeper; deepest

deeper; deepest

Britannica Dictionary definition of DEEP

We walked in the deep snow.

a deep well/pool/hole

a deep valley between the mountains

The water is deepest in the middle of the lake.

She's afraid of swimming in deep water.

a plant with deep roots

The animals live deep in/within the forest/jungle/mountains, far from any people.

His hands were deep in his pockets.

The sound came from deep within his throat.

This enormous canyon is over a mile deep.

The shelves are 10 inches deep.

We walked through knee-deep snow [=snow as high as our knees] to get to school.

The basement was waist-deep in water. [=the top of the water that filled the basement was as high as a person's waist]

He stepped into an ankle-deep puddle of mud.

She's always been a deep [=profound] thinker. = She's very deep.

This book is far too deep for me.

He has some very deep thoughts on the issue.

a deep discussion on the meaning of life

The country's economy fell into a deep depression/recession.

There are still deep divisions within the group. [=people in the group have very different opinions and can't agree]

Many people here live in deep poverty. [=many people are very poor]

The entire family was in deep shock after hearing about the accident.

I got in deep trouble with my parents for staying out too late.

I offered them my deepest sympathy.

They shared a deep [=profound] concern for the environment.

She felt a deep [=heartfelt] connection with the culture.

a deep sense of happiness and well-being

the deep emotional bond between parent and child

deep feelings of loss

The book made a deep impression on his young mind.

If you are in a deep sleep, you are thoroughly asleep and it is hard to wake you up.

in deep water

the deep end informal

After graduating, he was not afraid to jump in at the deep end and start his new business alone.

Teachers are thrown in the deep end when they first start teaching.

To go off the deep end is to go crazy, such as by behaving foolishly or by becoming very angry or upset.

Her friends thought she had gone off the deep end when she suddenly decided to quit her job.

After his wife died, he started going off the deep end.

I understand that you're angry, but there's no reason to go off the deep end.

deepness noun [noncount]

2 deep /dip/ adverb

deeper; deepest

deeper; deepest

Britannica Dictionary definition of DEEP

The ship now lies deep below/beneath the water's surface.

Our feet sank deeper into the mud.

The treasure was buried deep within the ground.

Their secret offices were located deep underground.

Her angry words hurt/cut him deep. [=deeply]

He stared deep into her eyes.

The detective dug deeper into the murder case.

I stood three feet deep in the water.

They parked the cars three deep [=three cars in a row], and our car was stuck in the middle.

We walked knee-deep in the snow. [=we walked in snow that was deep enough to reach our knees]

He stepped ankle-deep into a puddle of mud.


If you breathe deep, you take a large amount of air into your lungs.

deep down (inside)

If you feel or believe something deep down or deep down inside, you feel or believe it completely even if you do not say it or show it to other people.

He knew deep down inside that she was right.

I believed deep down that we were going to win.

Deep down, I think we all felt the same way.

He might look like a mean old man, but deep down inside he is a very kind person.

in (too) deep informal

run deep

3 deep /dip/ noun

Britannica Dictionary definition of DEEP

the deep

the briny deep

creatures of the deep

the deeps literary + formal

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Deep Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary

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