Fife woman breached Asbo by having illicit party at home during lockdown – The Courier

A selfish neighbour breached her Asbo by inviting friends round for an illicit party during the coronavirus lockdown.

Shannon Mullen, 25, was caught with more people in her home than she was allowed under the strict terms of her anti-social behaviour order.

Mullen who had made her neighbours lives a misery broke the Asbo by having more than two people in her home on May 10.

Dundee Sheriff Court was told that Mullen had the Asbo imposed on March 25 after a series of incidents at the property in Burns Begg Street, Kinross.

Depute fiscal Lisa Marshall told the court: She has previous convictions. She has been making her neighbours lives a misery.

Mullen was banned from shouting, swearing, screaming, slamming doors, arguing, fighting, banging walls and playing loud music under the terms of the interim order.

It also prevented her from having others banging the external door and shouting and swearing at the property.

But it was the condition limiting her visitor numbers which she admitted breaking by having three people in the house during the pandemic lockdown.

Solicitor David Sinclair, defending, said: Things have been difficult with her neighbour. I am not sufficiently familiar with the case to know whats caused that.

She accepts there were three persons in her house. Her intention is to go to Kelty and live with her mother, which may give her neighbours some respite.

Mullen, now of Croftangry Road, Kelty, had sentence deferred and was ordered to be of good behaviour for six months.

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Fife woman breached Asbo by having illicit party at home during lockdown - The Courier

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