NYPD Confirms They Are 'Assessing' Google Glass

This week, it was reported that the NYPD was experimenting with outfitting its officers with Google Glass. In an email late Friday, NYPD Deputy Commissioner Stephen Davis acknowledged that it was true, though they haven't progressed to Cyborg Cop levels just yet: "In December of 2013 the Department obtained two pairs of Google Glass and has been evaluating these devices in an attempt to determine any possible useful applications," he wrote.

"As part of an on-going interest in the advancements in the field of technology, the NYPD regularly conducts reviews of various equipment, devices, programs and other consumer products for their potential application or utility in the area of policing," the statement reads. "The devices have not been deployed in any actual field or patrol operations, but rather are being assessed as to how they may be appropriately utilized or incorporated into any existing technology-based functions."

In other words: it's no big deal guys, the NYPD hasn't progressed beyond the first 10 minutes of RoboCop just yet. Hell, there are cyborg activists who are much more integrated with the grid than any police. Most importantly, we don't have to worry about erecting any statues to our cyborg overlords any time soon.

At the same time, there's also no acknowledgment that the NYPD evaluating Google Glass has anything to do with the stop-and-frisk trial, and Judge Shira Scheindlin's suggestion that the NYPD adopt body-mounted cameras to monitor officers' encounters with citizens.

Even if they are currently non-operational, we wouldn't be shocked if an enthusiastic (or sartorial-minded) officer were asked to take the Glasses out for a spin. If you happen to see a police officer with Google Glass, do take a photo and send it to tips@gothamist.com.

Read more:

NYPD Confirms They Are 'Assessing' Google Glass

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