Especial: Mega Man 25 anos – Parte 1 – Série Clássica 1/3 – Video

Especial: Mega Man 25 anos - Parte 1 - Srie Clssica 1/3
Para comemorar os 25 anos do Rob Azul mais amado do mundo, o canal traz para vocs um vdeo sobre toda a franquia no passar dos anos, com a participao especial de Pedro do canal LiquidPedro e Red do canal The Red Star Games. Comeamos pela incrvel srie clssica que deu inicio a todo esse universo que seria expandido futuramente. Canal LiquidPedro: Canal The Red Star Games: Canal PlayerN42: All Mega Man / Rockman material including but not limited to anime, mang, characters, images, and music are Capcom Co., Ltd. No copyright infringements are intended. The sharing of VGM and Vdeo does not destroy the video game industry, as it does indeed help it grow. All Astro Boy/Tetsuwan Atom, Kimba And Black Jack material including but not limited to game, characters, images, and music are Osamu Tezuka. No copyright infringements are intended. The sharing of Vdeo does not destroy the Anime/Mang industry, as it does indeed help it grow. All Cyborg 009 material including but not limited to anime, Mang, characters, images, and music are Shotaro Ishinomori. No copyright infringements are intended. The sharing of Vdeo does not destroy the Anime/Mang industry, as it does indeed help it grow.From:VinixTKOCViews:17 4ratingsTime:36:09More inGaming

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Especial: Mega Man 25 anos - Parte 1 - Série Clássica 1/3 - Video

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