Cyborg cockroaches could scout dangerous areas

Everybody calm down! Its going to be alright! The robotic cockroaches are here to save the day!

So maybe that line sounds a bit far-fetched now, but cyborg bugs really could help save lives someday. Researchers are experimenting with using remote-controlled roaches to explore disaster-stricken buildings. (ViaYouTube / Buzz60)

The current plan is to send cockroaches into hard-to-explore areas equipped with tiny electronic backpacks. The roaches spread out randomly, and then seek out and follow along walls on command. A map of the area can then be made based on how close each bug is to its neighbors. (ViaGigaOM)

Lead researcher Dr. Edgar Lobaton says the insect explorers could be useful mapping out collapsed buildings where GPS signals cant be used.

We focused on how to map areas where you have little or no precise information on where each biobot is. This would give first responders a good idea of the layout in a previously unmapped area.(ViaNorth Carolina State University)

Although this study presents a novel use for cockroaches, the concept of bio-bugs has been developed pretty thoroughly in recent science.

Popular Scienceeven has an instruction manual on how to build your very own biobug for just $50.

Theres even aKickstartercampaign peddling commercial cyborg roach kits for the classroom. The project aims to teach people about how brains work, in bugs and in people.

But all this rampant bugbot experimentation has raised a few moral concerns.

Bio-ethicists have voiced concerns that remotely controlled cockroaches might suffer permanent physical or mental damage. Also, the whole mind-control aspect is a little unsettling. (ViaBusiness Insider)

The rest is here:

Cyborg cockroaches could scout dangerous areas

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