Yemen COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Snapshot – As of 25 July 2020 [EN/AR] – Yemen – ReliefWeb

As of 25 July, the number of reported confirmed COVID-19 cases in Yemen had reached 1,678 with 475 associated deaths and 782 recoveries. Men constitute 73 per cent of all reported cases and most COVID-19 cases and deaths are reported among people aged 45 and above. The highest number of confirmed cases continue to be reported in Hadramaut (663 cases, 203 deaths and 182 recoveries), followed by Taizz (288 cases, 80 deaths and 169 recoveries) and Aden (270 cases, 32 deaths and 194 recoveries). Indicators continue to suggest that the virus is spreading rapidly, that the number of confirmed cases and deaths reported fall below actual numbers, and that people who are symptomatic delay seeking treatment for reasons that include stigma, difficulty accessing treatment centres, and the perceived risks of seeking care. Following the recent refresh of the COVID-19 strategy the response has shifted to focus on testing, surveillance and case management, and over 1,000 tests were conducted during the last week. For mild cases, the focus is on home care supported by risk management communication. For moderate and critical cases in COVID-19 treatment centres, the response includes training on infection protection and control, triage and clinical case management. Procuring and distributing oxygen and personal protective equipment (PPE) remains a priority. The ongoing fuel and funding crises continue to threaten the operation of health facilities and the broader COVID-19 and humanitarian responses.

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Yemen COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Snapshot - As of 25 July 2020 [EN/AR] - Yemen - ReliefWeb

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